Eight Plane Crashes (2023)

Eight Plane Crashes collects eight short fictions featuring, well, plane crashes. 

Pieces included in this zine were published in Heavy Feather Review, Split Lip Magazine, and Spelk. Thanks to the editor of these publications. 

Released Sept. 2023

$8 (U.S. shipping included) | 22 pg. PURCHASE THROUGH PAYPAL




A Plane Crash Story:


The airliner is not at the bottom of the ocean. Nor is it blown to bits over a 1000-mile radius of uninhabited water. No one’s dead. Hostage situation perhaps, the airliner flown to a dark forest, stored for a ransom that never comes. Maybe the passengers are contented. Maybe they will reappear in a few years. It would be a spectacular moment for the world. We survived on wild boar and leaf-caught rainwater, they’d say. It’s not impossible. A Salvadoran fisherman supposedly survived 13 months lost at sea, eating birds, fish, and turtles and—this is important—drinking turtle blood. It’s not impossible. Skydivers have survived unopened parachutes, their plummeting bodies braced by trees or mud. People with knives in their heads have survived their cantalouping. It’s not impossible. It’s not impossible for the disappeared to return.